Every time I drive towards Fort Bliss I always come across homeless people! They are on the street corners, the medians, and anywhere else they feel the need to be. They walk up and down the streets, some in nice clothes, others in rags. They hold up signs begging for money. They even have the nerve to walk up to car windows then get pissed when you shake your head or tell them no. First off, I rarely have cash on me and even when I do, the last thing I am going to do is hand it off to some pan-handler! Last time I checked, my husband and I work to earn our money (work the legal way), we pay our bills, we do right. We don't stand on some street corner! Another thing, do they not realize that it takes way more energy to wear dark clothes, walk up and down the street in a bright, sunny city like El Paso, which is typically hot; than it does to go to the local Burger joint and actually work the right way?!?! It has always been one of my irritations to see these people down right beg, I mean I am from the Atlanta area where it is a whole lot worse. But, come on people. Even if you enjoy doing it because you actually make money, do something legit! I have seen the cops out here pull over just to tell them to get off the freaking streets!
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