Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Toddlers & Tiara's

Toddlers & Tiaras

I absolutely LOVE watching TLC, NATGEO, Animal Planet, and so many other channels, as well as the shows they allow audiences to view. I love certain reality shows. Not the trash type ones, but the ones that let you into the real lives of other people. Whether it be Real Women of Dallas/Cincinnati, Ganglands, Border Wars, Sarah Palin’s Alaska…whatever. I really enjoy the shows that leave you thinking about life; the ones that can open your eyes to what others have been through, and have you wanting to make changes or know what roads not to go down. However, the one show that really gets under my skin, more than any other show, is Toddlers in Tiara’s.  Really? Moms and Dads out there that participate in this or even consider participating in this need to be slapped! How do you even find it acceptable to put your daughters through this mess? Yes, I am aware that every little girl wants to look, dress, and feel like a princess, I do have two of my own, but to subject your daughters to a world that they have no business in is just not right for many reasons. Your children need to hold onto their innocence as long as possible and embrace childhood. They do not need to be paraded onto stages, dressed in ten pounds of makeup, spray on tans, hair all made up and perfect, heels, “cone” boobs, and bratty attitudes. That is just beyond ridiculous. When do they have the opportunity to even act as a child? Oh wait, is it their time when they are practicing or about to go on stage, pitching a fit, with a pacifier in their mouth? If you are going to subject them to that type of environment then at least pull the pacifier out! They can’t be both baby and “grown” child. Make your pick.  Every time I see the commercials for this show I just cringe. It seems so unfair for these little girls. The one that really makes me go insane is the bratty girl, standing near the stage, screaming with a pacifier in her mouth. She needs to lose it! I could never bring myself to watch that show just because I feel it is wrong! Sure, put your daughters in beauty pageants, I see no issues with that. However, there is no reason to make your child live the life of Toddlers in Tiaras. No child at the toddler stage should know what a full out competition is or should know how to throw a tantrum because they did not win. No toddler should know the term “diet” and find it acceptable that they need to remain a certain size.

*Before any comments are made, no I am not an overweight woman. I am 5’3” and 115 lbs at most. I do have two daughters, they are 8 and 9 and both tall and slim. So, being overweight is not even an issue in my house. Yes, we eat healthy, but no, we do not stick with strict diets.* 

Children of the toddler age, and even older, need to be around children of their own ages. They should be learning how to properly communicate and their brains should be filled with subjects such as the alphabet, colors, shapes, numbers, Church and Jesus, children’s songs, family outings, and so much more. They should be outside playing at the park, riding their bikes and tricycles, playing tag and hiding-go-seek, swinging and sliding, playing in the dirt, finding pure excitement in a new puppy and growing with their new family member. Oh, how my list could go on and on. Put them in dance, gymnastics, or any other sport that they find intriguing. You should not be pushing them onto a stage, prancing around in small outfits, showing off their innocent bodies, and making moves that the girls are your local strip club are making. Parents of today’s society should be examined before they are allowed to be blessed with children. You should never live vicariously through your children. This is their lives, let them enjoy it. Let them have the memories that most of us have as they mature into adults. Let them interact with children their own ages. LET THEM BE CHILDREN!  There should be certain times and certain ages before a child is allowed to act the way you allow your children to act. They should grow up knowing the meaning of class and respect, as well as holding onto to their innocence. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rock On Man

I have to say that I am that I, for one, find it amazing that this homeless man, Ted Williams, is finding light at the end of the tunnel. After years of being down on his luck, it seems things are truly looking up for this man. To all the negative people that I have already heard speak of him, you all need to change your negative attitudes. We all have a past, some worse than others. Some we would love to change. But, in all reality, we know we can’t. What has been done is in the past, so let’s leave it there. I have to say that I am pleased to see this man that was homeless, once addicted to drugs and living the “bad” life, is picking up the pieces. He is finding his faith in God again and wanting to get on the right path. Yes, he may have been discovered because of some video that was posted on the internet, but that one simple video could be exactly what this man needed in life in order to make his life one that he can be proud of. As well as his family. After years of being estranged from his family, this man is finally back in touch. He knows that only he can help himself, that he has to be the one to live the right life. Kraft Mac & Cheese has already offered him a place to live as well as a stable job in voice for their products. Personally, I think it is pretty awesome.  I think it is a blessing that Ted Williams, who is 53, can make a mends with his mother, who is 90. For this man’s sake, his mom, and hid kids, I hope he is able to proceed in the voice radio/commercials or whatever. I hope he keeps clean and stays off the streets. After watching him on Good Morning America just now, it seems like he is going to do exactly that. So, to all the ones making such harsh judgment, take a step back and look at your life. I am sure you are far from perfect. I am sure you have made you fair share of things “mistakes” that others would not be proud or very happy about. Obviously, Mr. Ted Williams has talent, or there would not be so many companies’ throwing offers his way. I mean, they don’t hire just anyone. So, let’s give this man, who is two years sober, a break and let him enjoy his new life! I give him mad props and have to say Congrats Mr. Williams for pulling yourself together and for finding you break in life! I hope it all works out for the best for this man and he takes this opportunity and runs! Make the most out of it all!

It goes to show if this man can pick back up, remain addiction free, and live a better life…then why can’t we all? We should all focus on making 2011 our year. It is time we all pick up the pieces in our lives; quit blaming others if it isn’t going the way we hoped. Only you can make your life better. It isn’t up to everyone else to turn your life into the right direction. The only person who can make your life better is you. You have to take that first step in the right direction! I know I plan on making big changes this year. Ones that I can’t exactly reveal at this moment. But, ones that will all be for the better and I am very excited about! I plan on letting no one hold me back or keep me down. There will be many major changes in my family life as well! We will fall back under the civilian life, well as much as we can with my husband being medically retired. Anyhow, life is what you make of it. If you want to be a miserable person, then so be it. But, don’t expect to find me in your living hell. Thanks, but no thanks. I would rather remain in the group of positive people! I plan on enjoying my life this year and every year to follow. There is just something about being faced with death and lying on your death bed that makes you open your eyes and appreciate the finer things in life. So, if you find me not communicating with you as I use to, take a step back, evaluate your life, and see if there is a reason I have pulled myself away. This is our year people! Let’s make the most out of it and make it the best one yet!